The library is primarily intended for use by faculty, students, administrative, research and other members of the IILM community. Each member is provided with a library membership card. The categories of members and their privileges are as follows:
Category |
Entitlement for Books |
Loan Duration |
Students | 4 | 30 Days |
Administrative Staff | 2 | 30 Days |
Faculty | 10 | 60 Days |
When necessary, the Librarian may recall a book at any time before the due date. Librarian may also deny lending any material if in his judgment such material is necessary for use by a larger group.
For issue of books, the borrowers should present the book along with their membership card to the staff at the circulation counter. He/She should put his/her signature on the book card, provided in the book pocket, before the presentation. After necessary checking, library staff will issue the book by stamping the due date on the due date label and return the book to the borrower. Books should be brought physically for return and renewals. The books are discharged by replacing the book cards in the book pockets, after necessary checking.
Although the library takes all possible care against the misuse of membership cards, members are responsible for any loss to the library due to the misuse of their membership cards. If the cards are misused by other members for borrowing books or any materials, the owner of the card will be responsible for return of the books or materials to the library failing which he/she will have to pay the cost of the books or any other materials and overdue charges, if any.
Members should return all materials borrowed from the library before proceeding on any kind of long leave. Any member going out of the campus for more than a fortnight will ensure that the library has access to the books on loan with him/her. Members on deputation or study leave going out of Gurugram should return all borrowed materials.
An amount of Rs 25/- per day will be charged if books are not returned within the stipulated period. Reference book will not be issued in any cost.
- Library membership card is non-transferable.
- The borrower is fully responsible for the books borrowed in his/her membership card.
- Absence and illness are not acceptable excuses for exemption from paying an overdue charge.
- The Librarian may recall a book at any time before its due date.
- If the borrower has not returned the books within a reasonable time of its due date as indicated in the recall notice, or in the book card, as the case may be, the borrower is liable to pay the cost of the book plus the prescribed overdue charge.
- If a book belonging to a set is lost, the borrowers will replace the entire set at their own cost and take the remaining books of the set in the library with them.
- Mutilations, markings or removal of pages will be considered as “damage”. Such documents, as also the lost ones, will have to be replaced or paid for at the current price. In case of rare and out-of-print books, price assessment made by the Librarian will be final and binding.